Reverend Anthony R. Sadler, Pastor

3565 9th Avenue Sacramento, CA 95817     916.664.3850

Shiloh Baptist Church


© 2025 Shiloh Baptist Church

Why Do We Give?

The Bible teaches that God is the owner of everything, including our money and possessions.  When we give, we give back to God what He already owns.  Our giving is an indication of trust, discipleship, and commitment.  Giving is an active expression of our faith and recognizes God as our true provider.  It affirms our trust in His ability to supply all our needs.  It allows you to partner with God in His work through your church and in the world.  Through our tithes and offerings, we prove faithful in the stewardship of all God has provided for us.  Proverbs 3:9: Honor the Lord with your substance, with the first fruits of all thine increase.

You can now pay your tithes and contribute your offerings through this secure site.
​First-time users of Shelby Next will need to create a username and password through this secured link.  Once created, use your Shelby Next username and password to login.

You can also pay your tithes and contribute your offerings right from your mobile phone!  Just text the word "GIVE" to (916) 252-5074.

You may also continue to send  your tithes and offerings by mail and during service once we are back to in-person worship services.  If you have questions or concerns regarding online giving, please contact the church office at (916) 664-3850 ext. 110.

Thank you for helping Shiloh Baptist Church fulfill its mission and vision.  Through your tithes and offerings, we are able to reach and serve the Sacramento Community and beyond.

God Bless You!